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Following 5 years training at art school, I have worked as an artist, craftsman potter,
community artist, designer, arts co-ordinator, and for over 40 years as photographer and teacher / trainer in the area of photographic image making and production.

I build computers for fun and enjoy the process of learning the craft of photography and exploring the opportunities opened up by digital imaging.

In the past few years the development of the Linux operating system has enabled the use of free software reducing the overall costs involved in the process of image manipulating. This has made it possible for me to work in ways and in areas that I could only dream of when I started taking pictures.

I work with people enabling them to make best use of the opportunities that computer technology provides.

Alan Winn

1976 - 82 Running Studio Pottery in partnership
1982 - 86 Committee member and exhibition designer for the Somerset Guild of Craftsmen.
1983 - to date Freelance photographer specialising in photography for artists, craftsmen and performing arts.
Running workshops teaching photography for arts organisations.
1986 - 89 Staff photographer for Arts South West magazine and Devon Life magazine.
1989 - 1997 Working as Co-ordinator for the Exeter Darkroom (a community arts organisation which existed to promote photography and make it accessible to all). My role at the Darkroom included all the day-to-day running of the facility; organising and running teaching workshops on a wide variety of photographic subjects, purchasing and maintaining all the equipment used at the facility, responsibility for fund-raising and all financial matters, dealing with funding bodies (the Darkroom was funded as a strategic organisation by South West Arts ). Setting-up and running community arts projects.
1991 -2008 Production photographer for the Northcott theatre.
1997 - to date Continuing to work as a photographer and running my own computer based design and training business. Photography including work for the Northcott Theatre, the Devon Guild of Craftsmen and most of the arts organisations in the South West. Also The National Youth Theatre and English National Touring Opera.

I specialise in training for photographers in the area of digital photography, this work includes training staff at colleges and universities.

5 years printing for photographer James Ravilious, I have also been involved in scanning over 1700 of his negatives and prepared them for digital printing. I also work on images from Roger Deakins Beaford Archive and recently prepared a number of his images for an exhibition.

I work with many other professional photographers in Devon.

Over the years I have been employed by Plymouth University (and its former incarnations) as a visiting lecturer, technician and senior technician.

I now run a local U3A (University of the Third Age) photography group.
 Additional information
1978 - 83 Member of the Management Committee of the Somerset Guild of Craftsmen.
1984 - 90 Founder member of the Artshare South West (regional Arts and Disability organisation) Board of Management.
1985 - 88 Member of the Arts Council GB - Arts and Disability monitoring committee.
1995 - 1998 Photography advisor to South West Arts.
2000 - to date Growing passion for the use and promotion of free software and open learning within the area of digital photographic practice. I have a strong desire to restore craft skills to photography which I see as more relevant in the digital age but which seem to be disappearing from main stream educational practice.