File types: 

Image have to be saved as files, there are many formats to choose from:
Of all the different file types the most useful are:

Photoshop .psd:
useful when saving work in progress, there is no loss of image quality and images can be saved with layers.
very few other programmes will understand open or import psd files.

Gimp .xcf:
useful when saving work in progress, there is no loss of image quality and images can be saved with layers in Gimp.
very few other programmes will understand open or import xcf files.

Tiff .tif:
providing you don't use the compression mode no loss of quality, accepted by most D.T.P. programmes
uncompressed the files are large, does not support layers
New versions of Photoshop does - but don't do it!

Jpeg .jpg:
variable compression allows file sizes to be made much smaller for saving to disk and for sending over the inter-net or by e-mail (files can be one tenth of the size of a tif or psd). Standard image format for pictures on the web. Accepted by a large range of other programmes. Standard format for Photographic lab printing.
compression loses some quality especially if the file is opened and saved several times, does not support layers.

Compression with jpg files
Saving at high quality low compression will create a file without significant loss of quality, using the wrong settings will degrade the image.
The loss in quality is repeated each time a file is saved as a jpg.


Image saved as a high quality / low compression jpg file.

Image saved as a low quality / high compression jpg file.
File sizes:
A rough guide to file sizes.
A 10"x8" image at 300dpi will be approx 20mb
and a 16"x12" image will be approx 50mb
A 4 megapixel camera will give an image of 11mb (saved as .jpg - approx 2mb)
A 6 megapixel camera will give an image of 17mb (saved as .jpg - approx 3-4mb)